Wednesday 2 May 2007

I'm sorry, you just can't try

"Either you do or you don't. There's
no such thing as try." Yoda Master

If you have watched Star Wars before,
you'll know who's Yoda Master.
He's one of the highest Jedi Masters.

When I was given a task to complete
during my job employment days, I'll say,

"I'll try, boss."

You can't try.

Mt friend, there's no such thing as try.

It's either you do it or, not.

That's it.

Let's examine...

Ok, try to read this article now.


You didn't try.

Why not you try harder?

Ok, let's try to do it again.

Try reading.

Sorry, you failed again.

You're reading. You're not trying to
read. You're DOING IT.

Or you don't.

But in this case, you are otherwise
you won’t be reading this sentence.

Many people try to be wealthy.

Many people try to be happy.

Many people try to be more loving.

Many people try to achieve their goal.

Many people just... TRY.

I'm going to sound harsh...


Here's a simple action plan for you:

Step #1 – Evaluate your options available.

Step #2 – Make a strong decision whether
you want to do it or not.

Step #3 – Do it. (Or don't)

Step #4 – See and evaluate the outcome.

Step #5 – Learn from your action.

The steps above that I've laid out for you, worth
thousands of dollars. Just follow that action plan
and you'll see how much more you'll accomplish in life.

So if you want to change, CHANGE.
Don't try to change. That's sissy talking.
Do it for your own future.

Bruce Lee once said,

"Life is never stagnation. It is a constant
movement, unrhythmic movement, as well
as constant change. Things live by moving
and gain strength as they go."

Prepare to change. I've changed the way how
to manage a business. If I was still doing it the way
I use to do 5 years ago, I think I'll be broke and
don't even know what happened.

If I'm treating my new girlfriend how I used
to treat my previous ex-girlfriend, I think we
would have broke up from now.

I know you can do it. You don’t need
to try anymore.

-Patric Chan

P.S: Do you know what are the exact actions you
must take to create wealth and achieve success?
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